Education is the key for a balanced economic, social and cultural development of the people. All the developed countries in the world recognized this fact and assigned a very high priority to education as a vanguard of their multi-facet progress. They perceived education as a powerful means to equip the children with a necessary competence to face life confidently, unfold their creative capabilities and inculcate higher humane values so they are enabled to sustain themselves and be also useful to the society.


A humble effort to fulfil this mission has been initiated in the form of Vidya Niket.


Vidya Niket a school with a difference envisages developing the following important traits among the children, as an integral component of education:

– Communication and Cooperation
– Scientific Temper
– Creativity and Innovative thinking
– Inculcation of higher humane values such as integrity, honesty & truthfulness
– Taking care of health and cleanliness of one self and surroundings


We assure you that we shall continue to strive towards making this institution a model school where all the above enunciated ideals will be translated into action and where children are assured of useful stay full of zest.


Vidya Niket Welcomes You.